We have a saying at Renova Reset: “Heal the brain, release the pain.” What kind of pain? ALL different kinds; some from injuries, lots of injuries: TBI’s, and emotional damage, aging, lack of glucose to the brain and more, but I believe one of the worst brain-pains is the fear that comes from realizing that our ability to think clearly, is leaving us. Forgetting words, thoughts, or memories is a frightening place to be. As we’ve all experienced, fear attracts the thing we fear.
With each day of this fast, my brain has “perked” back up. If it could talk, I know it would say: “Thank you, thank you, thank you, and God bless you.” You see, my brain and me? Because of this fast, we’re friends, again. It’s a great thing to see.
I’m sure that part of this rejuvenation of my brain comes from the fact that I’m resting more, sleeping more, and haven’t a care in the world (work is not allowed) here at Sedro Woolley WA health retreat, run by Dr. Doug Graham of 80-10-10. His jovial nature and fascinating lectures raise the bar to get us to think and ponder the miracles and science of life. He throws in a joke every now and then to entertain himself, because he is lecturing to a group of fasters – we appear to be comatose.
We move slowly and we are all laying down with blankets wrapped around us, propped up by pillows. But as the fast lengthens, something magical happens as the mind becomes clearer – energy grows as well. Not the kind that makes you want to jump up and run a marathon, but the kind that comes from relief from a grateful body that’s no longer bogged down with clogged arteries or massive amounts of FAT. Fasting is moving in the fast lane to healing and wellness.
So here we are at DAY NINE with no food and I’m excited about eating again in the future, but have no desire to eat food yet. The benefits and results of this fast are amazing. I feel the healing at a deeper and deeper level every day. I’m doing a “short fast.” A short fast is 10 to 14 days. A medium fast is 14 to 28 days. Anything over 28 days is a long fast.
Can’t fast? Try the 80-10-10 Diet/Lifestyle
Weight Loss
Dis-ease loss
Brain clarity
It’s a Jungle Out There