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Deb Wood, PhD, ND

Reset - Count Your Blessings

Often I get hung up on counting my many problems and adversities, but this morning, I was thinking about ALL my blessings. Suddenly this affirmation/thought blasted through my consciousness: "I deserve to be happy." I broke out in a huge smile and twirled.

Twirling is an action of complete joy, in case you are wondering. At 65, it becomes a little tricky.

But where did this revelation come from?

Yesterday, while listening to a veteran who struggles with severe PTSD, I witnessed another amazing AH-HA moment: He realized he didn't believe he deserved to be happy. It was like a heavy weight lifted off him and the room. His face lit up and a smile swept across his face. He didn't look like the same person. We started laughing, because his joy was contagious. The AH-HA was simple and yet pervasive, as he realized this unconscious belief had robbed him of his ability to feel joy - for so long - maybe since birth.

How did he get to this truth? We had been EVOXing his family "Transgenerational Perception Reframing," and he discovered feelings of inadequacy, lack of purpose and inability to be happy. We discovered similar patterns stemming from his family - from the feelings they passed on to him through the womb. (This discovery takes place in just a few minutes with EVOX scanning).

His mom and dad probably didn't even realize the source of their inability to be happy - it was a "transgeneraltional" thing. Passed down from generation to generation, through the womb. Each generation not realizing where this came from or why it was there. Not knowing the source keeps us from finding a cure.

Realizing it is one thing but knowing what to do about it is KEY. We witnessed through the scans this was indeed a family pattern - through his Mom and Dad (he got a double dose); and then all four of the grandparents. He chose a wife who perpetuated the pattern (a triple dose) and a career that was dangerous and effected severe injuries and addictions. Deck stacked.

We balanced the joylessness, reframed it and realized the possibility of instant and permanent relief. Not just for him, but for future generations. He is indeed a "Valiant Spirit," sent to earth to stop the transferring of pain and suffering through his children. As we each are: Valiant Spirits. Saved up for these last days to bring joy and hope to the world.

The realization of "I DESERVE TO BE HAPPY" set him free ... and his courage to heal will pass through to his family. I felt it and was also affected. The past was released and future generations are safe - at least from this problem. Through truth, individual power was restored and JOY showed up.

"RESET YOUR LIFE" isn't just about you. Reset your life affects your family, friends and all of us. Our world needs people who know who they are and who recognize the beauty and worth in others. "I deserve to be happy," grows into: "Because I know this, I also know you deserve to be happy."

RESET your life. DUMP old patterns and create/empower new brain pathways of joy, compassion, empathy and the greatest joy of all - LOVE.

Do Unto Others as You Would Have Them Do Unto You still works. Know that You Deserve to Be Happy as we all do - and if you don't, do something about it. Oh, and by the way, congratulations on surviving. The deck is stacked.

Be Safe, Be Well, Be Happy.

It's a Jungle Out There ...

We care about you,

Renova Reset Team

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